NOTHING TO FORESEE ㅤㅤ— Nothing but a mere young man who tried to reach and guide his stars.

AND I COULD ONLY WISH ㅤㅤ— For him to never lose of whatever he held, really. And only.

At last, the crown awaits your arrival.

Dear ▓▓▓▓▓ ,

Never once crossed in my mind that you will take an interest to a man that I just talked about him for a few days ago. I hope you could control whatever feelings and intentions that boiled in there, yeah?

Anyway, onto this man. Perhaps, you might need to know about this small fact for sure that his family, along with another family (which I have a hard time to figure out how many families, who knows that my neighborhood is one of them) followed a certain ‘ tradition ’ to keep something, I presume. And, I believe the keeper is bestowed a title: CLARINE LEPUS. It has a tie with the lunar eclipse and will be accompanied by ASBESTUS COLOURIST. What is with all of that mumbo jumbo nonsense words? I have absolutely zero idea, hun. However, I heard that he has this longing feeling for such accompanied title.

He is the current keeper, anywho. A mere fine man with family tuned with silver spoon, despite holding zero bloodline in him. Or not? I still need to find out more, all thanks to you. I hope I don't being called out as a creep.

Oh, I believe that you will like him immediately. He has the manner of a gentleman; considerate and lovely. He speaks honeydew and lilac, he spreads spring and summer, too effortless; sometimes I ask myself, how can such man co-exist in this world? Though, I can't help but wonder that his welcoming nature could be taste so bland. Too hollow. Imagine autumn in the middle of spring. Huh, a wonder of mankind.

Scarlet hair, lavender eyes. He is tall and well-build for a man in his mid-twenties. Correction, twenty five. Last time I heard about it, he is around six feet four inches and weigh around one hundred ninety six pounds. Pale complexion, dressed neatly. You may find him easily, anyway.

He goes by Giuliano Hazmat Bartholomew, but most called him as Giuliano. You can meet him at the nearby tea and herbs shop, though I believe that he could make more than just a calming tea to brighten up one's day.

May the peace of Avigdor shall bestow you, eternity.

❨ ⟳ ❩ flip.

Dear ▓▓▓▓▓ ,

What in the heavens have I paint this body and soul with. Too much sin, really. You lucky brat, I owe you a full one-month treat after you read this letter.

He is capable, indeed. I saw him absorb or blessed by the power of sun and moon. Literal. It makes him stronger, faster, much better in physical and power fit. Especially when lunar eclipse happen, please, run. And, dusk too. Of course, it only lasts for a few minutes and it consumes his concentration to let the energy flows inside him. He is still human, partly, after all.

He has also aptitude over magma or lava as his element, coupled with how he possesses resistance over heat. However, it is only applied to infuse his attacks and his weapons. It could be easily encountered by water and ice.

I believe that he also could perform alchemy since he possesses plenty material, let alone his magic circle that appears in his left eye whenever he needs for a perfect touch up; some examples that I could gather are: when he combined this with his magma element to actually negate one's power and to manipulate matter's property, though temporary. It costs his lifespan whenever he performs magic through alchemy, anyway.

Now, weapon. He owns plenty bow that easily shifts as two-handed swords. He made it himself! That is what makes me blown away. A man with vast talent, such perfection. It is perfect to accompany his agility and endurance that is a bit above mankind in general.

❨ ⟳ ❩ flip.